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I found this just sitting around, is it any good

and a NetComm IN5900

plus a ram but i dont wat it is


Microman's picture


The motherboard has a Socket 754, which is old. If you were to build a new computer, you would be looking for an AM3 socket (for AMD). If you wanted to go for an intel processor, this motherboard wouldn’t work at all.

Also, it has a maximum RAM size of 2GB, which is not enough for you. Running Windows 7 64bit, I use about 2GB of RAM with my main applications running. This doesn’t go up much further while gaming, but you don’t want to have too little RAM, or the computer will slow significantly as it uses the page file on the hard drive.

The NetComm IN5900 is a 56k modem. Unless you need a dailup connection for some reason, this will be useless to you.

You need to know what type of RAM it is, as there are many many different types. For your computer, I would suggest 4GB of RAM. You will need to have a 64bit operating system to use this much though.

ltmon's picture

Well today I found...

One of our clients gave us an old Sun SPARCStation 10, to rescue data from it.

Dual 50MHz processor, 256MB RAM (in 12 DIMMs) and an external SCSI array with a massive 9GB capacity. Running Solaris 8, which must have been an upgrade. The graphics chipset had no framebuffer… that is it had 0 bytes of graphics memory, and yet could run a full CDE desktop in a glorious 16 colours. Booted up just fine.

The best $25k+ you could spend in 1992-ish :)

Fuzz's picture


Hey that sounds like my works Solaris box.


my dad found it at the dump and he wanted me to take a gander at it.

the parts i am most likely i am going to get are

AMD Athlon II X2 Dual Core 255 CPU AM3 3.1GHz (65W)
Asus M4A78LT-M-LE, AMD 760G/AM3/mATX
Kingston 2GB DDR3-1333MHZ *2
Hitachi 500G SATA 7200RPM 16M
Delux ATX Power Case Infinity 9028 with 460W PSU

might swap the graphics for this eVGA GT240 1G DDR3 DVI HDMI VGA

Microman's picture


Are you aware that the alternative GFX card isn’t as good as the GTS450?

Also, the CPU isn’t so flash… Go for a Phenom II X2 if you want a dual core, I have the Phenom II X2 555 Black Edition 3.2GHz.

You can use my computer as an example for a cheap workstation with gaming potential. However, I’m looking forward to upgrading the graphics card. It will be a choice between buying another guitar (taking the total to 4…) or buying a new gfx card…

Robag's picture

owww man

i had 2 of these SPARCStation at the ISP i worked at back in the early 90’s
they were dns and web servers
there hostnames were scully and mulder

awwww good time good times


Fuzz's picture

Mumble concert

MM can you play us a song on your guitar in mumble?

Microman's picture


I’ll have a jam just for you Fuzz :-). Not sure how well it will pick up through the microphone and such..

Fuzz's picture


Woo hoo! Thanks MM, looking forward to it.

all those parts

come under 400, plus its still 10x better than mine

Microman's picture

"Better Than Mine"

Is the excuse I had when I started. I had all the cheapest parts, and it would still be better than mine. Set yourself a reasonable budget, $400AUD?, and then get the best you can for your money. Otherwise you end up wishing you spent more when you have to upgrade something by $60 because a new game came out.

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